Alphabetical Index by Title of Articles

A  B  C  D  E  F  H  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W


A foundation to selecting an initial story set

A stone and five sticks scattered on the ground…

About Bible storying

About Bible translation

About education

About essential concepts

About explicit and implicit information

About internalization

About media

About worldview

And I thought I knew that story

Avoiding to drift into error


Best practices and key principles relating to storying and story telling

Building relationships and worldview


Communicating the first piece

Connecting beyond felt needs

Connecting through felt needs


Different perspectives and one God

Diversity of people demands diversity of approaches


Effective communication

Empowering to walk

Engaging with the Eternal through His Word

Engaging with the message of the Bible

'Entering' stories like children

Epistles and oral cultures

Experiencing God

Exploring oral Scripture translation


Facilitating 'impact learning'


Holistically whole

How about the Great Commission?

How can communities manage long-term access to truth?

How we make God's Word fit


Modeling Scripture telling concept

More than one communication art form

My words or God's Word


Oral Bible Translation: Exploring oral Scripture translation

Oral Bible Translation video: The Nata Experience

Oral Bible Translation - the whole Bible divided in suggested passages for panoramic translation

Oral Bible Translation - Scripture Engagement workshop reports

Oral drafting versus literate drafting

Orality - a description

Our concepts or God's ways

Overcoming misconceptions


Passages of the whole Bible divided for Oral Scripture Translation

Picture clear

Practical versus analytical

Principles for planning


Rather caught than taught

Reclaiming redemptive analogies

Religion versus relationship

Results based focus


Seven foundations

Signing demonstrates orality principles

Sustainable Scripture engagement


Teach basic doctrine?

The best plan for me

The Bible among other writings

The Bible and science

The Giant Mango Tree (a story)

The need for an accurate Biblical account

The Word of God and worldview

Traditions and norms


Using diverse communication art forms


Virtues of engaging with print


What is in a title?

What is needed to choose stories

What is our primary role?

What is the definition of 'translation' and why?

When there are already puzzle pieces in place

Where to start

Why I love panoramas and tapestries

Willingness to take time to focus

With purpose




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